Neck Coolers


  • Green Stripe

  • Blue Chevron


Directions For Use & Care

1.) SOAKING Soak cooler in luke-warm water for 10 min.'s. Remove from water and spread the, partially soaked, crystals out evenly within the length of the pocket. This is done by wringing them down the length between the thumb and forefinger of on hand. while pulling the cooler with the other. They will feel like soggy oatmeal at this point.

Place the cooler back in the water and soak it until it is firm, but still bendable. This takes anywhere from 10 - 25 Min.'s, depending on the thickness, and the amount of cotton content of the cooler's fabric. Do not over soak! If this happens, you can lay the cooler flat out on a towel, or on a tray in the refrigerator, until enough water evaporates out of it to be worn.

2.) wearing The cooler, initially, works off of evaporative cooling. As you wear it throughout the day, it gets softer as the water vapor is being released. When it doesn't feel cool on your neck, simply pull back on it's adjuster bead, rotate or twist the cooler a half turn, or 180 degrees, then tighten back up on the bead. (This means that the material that was up against your neck, before turning, is now on the outside. If you live in a hot dry climate they will keep you cool for hours at a time. Using them in a humid climate, they are less effective, but there are remedies. You can always bury the cooler in an ice chest for a few min.'s to ,"Super Chill" it. (We do this while fishing, in the Gulf Of Mexico, and it is a LIFESAVER. We also bring (2) coolers per/person along with us, so as never to be without.) You can leave your coolers, uncovered, on a try or plate in the refrigerator over night. Slightly over-soak the cooler before putting it in. I will be perfect in the morning! NEVER FREEZE OR PUT IN FREEZER!!! If you freeze it, you've ruined it! You should be able to get 4-6 years of use out of a well made cooler. DO NOT SWIM, WHILE WEARING YOUR COOLER! That means fresh or salt water!

3.) CLEANING When you get home and notice that your cooler is not looking it's best, you'll want to wash it. Make sure that it is very firm, possibly a little over-soaked. Apply several drops of hand dishwashing detergent to the palms of your hands and lather up the cooler for about a minute. Rinse well, with cold tap water, dry with a dish towel and its ready for that tray in the fridge, or drying. NEVER PUT COOLER IS WASHING MACHINE!

4.) DRYING Your cooler likes to be dried out once in a while. Simply hang it, from one or both, tie ends, on a hook in a convenient place indoors. It can take from 6-15 days to dry out completely, depending on the humidity and temperature of your air. Be sure that it is completely dry before storing it, for it could mold. NEVER PUT COOLER IN DRYER!

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